We've begun to venture out beyond clinic visits and boy does that feel good! Yesterday we made (mostly) a social visit to Lisa's work to do some "meetin' and greetin'", and this morning we went to the Dane County Farmers' Market on the Capitol Square. As we pulled into the parking ramp, Lisa shared that "When I pictured parenting, this it what I was thinking: You, me and baby going to the farmers' market." She also envisioned a fancy stroller, which was the one sizable purchase during pregnancy.
So it turns out that babies, at least this one, are portable. It's imperative that Mom's along, of course. Can't be too far away from the comfort of quality nourishment, unless you're eager to hear fussing, whining, and an increasingly intensified cry. If there's a sadist or a masochist within you, then go for it. Otherwise, marshmallows like me become panicked fast.
We hope to venture further afield later in the summer, when Anna's a bit sturdier and we're a little more comfortable with the newness of all of this. Before Lisa delivered her late, we flirted with the idea of joining Lisa's parents in Minocqua once she was born. However, it's true that the first couple of weeks are an intense time for new moms, dads, and babies. Don't think there's a way around that.
Enjoy some pics from our adventures, small though they are! One is from the Market when our favorite flower vendor gave Anna some mini-roses free of charge. The other is from Lisa's clinic...Diane is giving Lisa an allergy shot. Usually the baby gets those! Don't forget, you can click the photos for a larger version.
Stollers are great because you can carry purchases and supplies in the cargo area. However, should you be interested in a baby carrier, I have to recommend the Kanagroo Korner Adjustable Pouch in cool, comfortable mesh fabric. Last time I checked, Happy Bambino (HB) sells the fleece version. Nice but hot. After buying the fleece pouch at HB, I shelled out more money online for the mesh pouch. Why did I spend so much money on two baby carriers? Well, it was hard NOT to buy the first one when the Happy Bambino folks let me try it on, helped me get Jack inside and two minutes later he was sleeping. When you are wearing a person's product and you have a sleeping baby inside of it, you sort of have to buy the thing. I have tried at least three other carriers and nothing works like this one. Easy in, easy out, very secure. Jack spent many outings in this pouch, mostly sleeping. These are great for the infant stage, before they can sit up. Now that Jack is bigger, I use our old Baby Bjorn. ~ Heidi
We've actually got a Bjorn that Lisa tried out last night. We also have one of those sling things, but I'm not sure that's going to work out. Yes, it's stylish. It's also a little hard to get the kid in and out, especially when they're so small and fragile!
Thanks for the tips!
I guess I spend too much time on this blog... Did you change your description from a "nervous' first time dad to an "eager" first time dad? (or am I just seeing things?) If you did change it, I think that's NICE ~ shows that you have become more comfortable. It's a better description.
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