The baby isn't here, so it's not real yet.
No doubt it's far more real for Lisa, since she's been hauling around the baby, finding clothes that will fit (although I did get a sassy pair of pre-owned shorts that were a hit), feeling kicks, knees, elbows and assorted parts moving about, and having to put up with weight gain and exams.
I've just been hanging around trying not to look exceptionally stupid, which is also how I see the delivery going, plus lots of massaging and fending off residents and interns.
To date, we've spent a lot of time accumulating baby paraphernalia, such as a crib. One day Lisa spent so much time online reading crib reviews I thought she'd revert to infancy. Not sure either of us will feel like that time was well-spent. It's easy to get blinded by the details of such a pursuit and miss the point. Plus when you do discover what you really want, it's not available anywhere and you have to start over.
I'll close with a photo of the beautiful mother to be.
With such a beauty for a Mom and such an artistic and technological talent for a Dad, this baby will have it all. It's July, and we are eager to meet you Baby Simpson Coan.
Thanks, Kay. We're eager, too, but so far, no baby!!
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