Wow! Sorry, Anna, I really meant to write more between April and June. Since then, Anna's produced new teeth, learned to crawl, learned to say, "Ducky", "Hi", "Daddy", and something like "Birdy". She's a happy, bright, beautiful girl. We've got a doll.
In May we had fun celebrating Mother's Day. Mom got a huge 18x24 picture of Anna framed and a lovely handbag. I treated the girls to blueberry waffles and we had fun at Gene and Sue's playing with cousins, although, at that point, Anna didn't yet crawl. She got a little frustrated watching Rowan zoom around on the grass on that beautiful day.
Something she could and did do, however, was swing, and she did plenty of that.
Among other memorable moments since last I wrote was that after an afternoon at Sue and Gene's, Lisa and Sue gave Anna some dinner, but somehow forgot to notice that Anna wasn't buckled in her high chair. She took a hard fall on the wood floor and bloodied her nose and puffed up her lip. When Lisa came in the door crying, I didn't immediately understand what happened, but Anna was also crying hard. My first thought was that she fell out of the car seat. Anyway, we got Anna calm and, after double checking with the on-call nurse, Lisa gave her a bath and we put her to bed, although we did take the precaution of checking on her, since we were worried about the little goose egg on her head.
Since we've been looking for a different house, we've taken her to a lot of open houses and showings. She likes it less than we do, but not a lot less. Anyway, we put a bid in and are waiting to hear if they counter, accept, or blow it off.
We have read a lot of books together, taken a lot of walks together, giggled and laughed, and have all done at least a bit of crying. Babies give and receive, and some days are harder than others.
Anna and I joined a play group at First Unitarian and most of the time other kids have showed up, and it's great to give her more kid to kid time. Yesterday, she was saying "Hi" to the other babies as she poked or whacked them in the face. I guess it will be a little longer before she's as socially graceful as her mother. Right now Anna and I are about equal, knowledge-wise, although her smile puts her light years ahead.
Here are pics from Mother's Day and times before and after.