Lisa's now back to work four days a week, which is causing her some consternation. Yesterday, when she went to the sitter's to pick up Anna, the area around her eyes was red from crying, which naturally broke Lisa's heart. It made her feel just a little better to be greeted with a huge smile. She still doesn't like to sleep at the sitter's. Fortunately, she took two naps while she was home with Daddy during the am hours.
Fridays are one of my days to stay home with our little girl, so I am pleased that, due to the largest snow storm of the season, Lisa stayed home from work. This also means that Lisa has time to make my favorite holiday cookies, mocha peppermint morsels.
We're almost ready to make the leap to cereal with Anna. I tried to get into Woodman's to get cereal, but it was jammed because of the pending snow. They have an organic rice cereal that Lisa read about in her 'Super Baby Foods' book. Since we do have a super baby, it's only fitting that we feed her based upon their recommendations.
We're also quite close to purchasing a safer winter vehicle - a Subaru Forester, for days like today when Lisa has to get to work, or when we have to drive her to and from the sitter's. I have noticed that if she ever had to get to the doctor while at daycare, our sitter has a monster truck that could endure snow, floods, and probably a tornado or two.
Here's a photo taken during her time at home with Dad and one of the photo that appeared on our holiday card.